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Vol. 6 (2019)

Influence of the Base Element on the Thermal Properties of Non- Ferrous Chromium-Rich TaC-Containing Alloys Elaborated by Conventional Casting: Part 3: Surface and Cross-Sectional Metallographic Characterization of the Oxidized Alloys



The six alloys the thermal properties of which and the tendency to oxide spallation of which were studied in the first two parts of this work, were here characterized after oxidation for 70 hours at 1250°C. The external chromia scale, and also the CrTaO4 subsurface oxide, formed for all the alloys, almost independently of the Co and Ni proportions in the base element content. But, because of the formation of more CrTaO4 for the nickel-richest alloys probably due to the higher availability of Ta in the matrix and its easier diffusion towards the neighbourhood of the oxidation front, the adherence of chromia was weakened and spallation, suggested by the thermogravimetric curves in the second part of this work, is here really observed and the denuded part of alloys clearly seen. The degradation of the subsurface, which can be in a first time summarized by the development of a carbide-free zone and a {Cr, Ta}-depleted zone, depends on the Co and Ni proportions. The microstructure of the bulk is differently affected by long exposure at elevated temperature. The changes in carbide population characteristics are stronger for the nickel-based alloys than for the cobalt-based ones. Finally, the isothermal oxidation behaviour is best for the nickel-richest alloys but the oxide spallation behaviour and the potential mechanical properties are the best for the cobalt-richest alloys.


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