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Vol. 7 (2020)

Strength and Mechanism of Adhesion to the Substrate Layer while Applying Plasma Coatings in Oxidizing Environments



It has been examined that when an oxide layer is treated under atmospheric conditions on a treated substrate surface, in the contact zone, an oxide layer is always present. This mixed oxide layer influences the contact temperature and the adhesion strength of the particles that are being coated to the substrate surface.Henceforth the process of heating of the contact layer of surface oxides was investigated. The experimentation was demonstrated by coupling of the particles of the coating layer with the surface layer when wetting is provided by melting of the oxide layer. The conditions of the wettable contact under nonstationary heat exchange were determined depending on the thermophysical properties of the contact pair, the temperatures of the coating particles and the substrate. The wetting time was evaluated depending on the thickness of the oxide layer. The identity of the adhesion strength of the coating and the cohesive strength of the oxide layer was substantiated.

It was evaluated that for the inner surface of the coating elastic modulus and breaking stress is about 20% higher than for the external. The detected difference is related to the presence of the temperature gradient across the thickness for coating.


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