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Vol. 7 (2020)

Chemical Synthesis of Marble Powder-Fly Ash Doped Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Composites and Comparison between their Structural, Thermal and Mechanical Properties



In this study, poly (vinyl alcohol) based composite materials were produced. Fly ash and Karaman Beige and Rosso Levanto marble powders were taken by Alacakaya Marble and Mining Business and they were used as fillers. Composite materials (at the rate of 1/20 by mass) were produced. The microstructure analysis of the materials was examined by Scanning Electron Microscope. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer analysis was used to get information about the functional groups in the structures of the materials. The thermal behavior of the materials was analyzed by Differential Thermal Analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimetry at the same single heating rate of 10 C/min. X-Ray Diffraction analysis was performed to determine the crystallographic properties of the materials at room temperature. The mechanical and physical properties of the obtained materials were examined by stress-strain analysis.


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