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Vol. 5 (2018)

Influence of Corrosion of Self-Piercing Riveted High Strength Aluminium Alloy Joints with Button Cracks on the Mechanical Strength



For high strength aluminium alloys, such as AA6008T61 and AA6111 PFHT, when they are joined as the bottom material by self-piercing riveting (SPR), they tend to crack at the joint buttons. These cracks, especially those penetrated to the rivets, may cause galvanic corrosion problem with the steel rivet. In this paper, the mechanical strength of four stack/die combinations with different joint button cracking severity was studied before and after salt-spray corrosion test. The results showed that corrosion on the severely cracked joints was worse than that on the joints with small cracks and the corrosion on the stack with the same top and bottom material was less than that on the stack with different top and bottom materials. For all joints the static lap shear strength after corrosion was improved, but the static T peel strength after corrosion was slightly reduced or did not have obvious change. The results also showed that after corrosion the lap shear fatigue strength of the specimens with severe cracks did not have obvious change, but the lap shear fatigue strength of the specimens with small cracks slightly reduced.


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