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Vol. 6 (2019)

The Role of Collaborative Service Robots in the Implementation of Industry 4.0



The implementation of the fourth industrial revolution Industry 4.0 is based on the following technologies: internet of tings , cloud computing, big data, robotics & automation, intelligent sensors, 3D printers and radio frequency identification – RFID. The robotics is considered as the core technology. Second-generation industrial robots – collaborative robots have been implemented in the last two years. Their implementation is increasing every year and has reached about 3% of the total application of industrial robots in the world. The development of new technologies has contributed to the development and implementation of collaborative service robots AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle), which is one of the most significant qualitative shifts in the automation of logistic in production processes, assembly lines, warehouses and all other operations where transport is necessary. Their application is motivated by technical and economic reasons, such as: improving the quality of finished products, reducing the production of the finished product, increasing the homogeneity rate - constant quality, reducing the number of workers to carry out tedious transport, increasing the safety of workers in the work process, minimizing production costs and overall maintenance. The paper describes the trend of implementing service robots for professional use, with particular reference to collaborative service robots in logistics. Some design solutions for collaborative service robots in logistics already implemented in the industry are presented.


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