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Vol. 9 (2022)

Analysing the Elements that Affect People's Behavioural Intention to Adopt Autonomous Vehicles



Abstract: In order to get fresh insights into how behaviour is accepted at the individual and organisational levels, psychologists and sociologists have been studying the user acceptability of information technology for decades. Several techniques are used in the research's pragmatic approach, which is carried out in the phases that follow. In phase I, a preliminary survey with 408 individuals was used to identify the important variables impacting behavioural intention to use an autonomous vehicle (AV). Experts in the fields of psychology, sociology, and computer science were questioned. Finally, the hypothesis was defined after the model had been built. In phase II, a survey research methodology was used with an additional 482 individuals to empirically validate and improve the conceptual model. A tool for information visualisation was created in phase III to fill the gap between theoretical ideas and real-world business needs. According to the results, every construct in the conceptual model has a significant impact on consumers' behavioural intentions (BI) to embrace AVs. Based on our assessment, the researcher proposes a theoretical AV technology acceptance model (AVTAM) by incorporating these determinants into the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) model. This model takes into account self-efficacy, perceived safety, trust, anxiety, and legal regulations. The conclusion shows that the adoption of AV technology will be influenced by a number of factors, including the price of the equipment and the legal implications.


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