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Vol. 10 (2023)

Data–Driven Wake Steering Control for a Simulated Wind Farm Model



Abstract: Upstream wind turbines yaw to divert their wakes away from downstream turbines, increasing the power produced. Nevertheless, the majority of wake steering techniques rely on offline lookup tables that translate a set of parameters, including wind speed and direction, to yaw angles for each turbine in a farm. These charts assume that every turbine is working well, however they may not be very accurate if one or more turbines are not producing their rated power due to low wind speed, malfunctions, scheduled maintenance, or emergency maintenance. This study provides an intelligent wake steering technique that, when calculating yaw angles, responds to the actual operating conditions of the turbine. A neural network is trained live to determine yaw angles from operating conditions, including turbine status, using a hybrid model and a learning-based method, i.e. an active control. The proposed control solution does not need to solve optimization problems for each combination of the turbines’ non-optimal working conditions in a farm; instead, the integration of learning strategy in the control design enables the creation of an active control scheme, in contrast to purely model-based approaches that use lookup tables provided by the wind turbine manufacturer or generated offline. The suggested methodology does not necessitate a substantial amount of training samples, unlike purely learning-based approaches like model-free reinforcement learning. In actuality, by taking use of the model during back propagation, the suggested approach learns more from each sample. Based on the flow redirection and induction in the steady state code, results are reported for both normal (nominal) wake steering with all turbines operating as well as defective conditions. It is a free tool for optimizing wind farms that The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) offers. These yaw angles are contrasted and checked with those discovered through the resolution of an optimization issue. Active wake steering is made possible by the suggested solution, which employs a hybrid model and learning-based methodology, through sample efficient training and quick online evaluation. Finally, a hardware-in-the-loop test-bed is taken into consideration for assessing and confirming the performance of the suggested solutions in a more practical setting.


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