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Vol. 2 No. 2 (2015)

Moisture Flow as Driving Force behind Drying Shrinkage and Microcracking in Interfacial Transition Zone in Concrete



In order to determine drying shrinkage in early age cementitious paste and ITZ, prior to a calculation of shrinkage coefficient and further complex coupling, experimental methods at micro-level and numerical methods at meso-level are separately performed as the initial steps. Digital images of a small-size 1-mm thick cement paste specimen with an embedded obstacle as a concrete model are captured at different magnifications and analyzed in drying experiments with Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) and Vic-2D. The drying shrinkage shows the dependence on image magnification, chosen Area of Interest (AOI) and RH variations. Numerical moisture flow/ drying simulations by Lattice Gas Automata (LGA) show the difference in a moisture gradient depending on the heterogeneity of the LGA domain (population with smaller and/ or larger solids). Expected higher moisture gradient around larger solids is confirmed in the LGA simulations, which could be an initial sign of gaps/microcracks in real ITZ.


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