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Vol. 6 (2019)

Investigation on the Influence of the Interfacial Slippage on the Whole Moving Surface in an Inclined Fixed Pad Thrust Slider Bearing



The influence of the interfacial slippage on the whole moving surface on the carried load and friction coefficient of an inclined fixed pad thrust slider bearing is analytically investigated. The calculation results show that the carried load of this mode of bearing is normally much lower than that of the conventional inclined fixed pad thrust slider bearing, while the friction coefficient of this mode of bearing is significantly higher than that of the conventional bearing, when the operating condition is the same. With the reduction of the contact-fluid interfacial shear strength on the moving surface, the performance of this mode of bearing is worsened. These results suggest the necessity of preventing the interfacial slippage on the moving surface in an inclined fixed pad thrust slider bearing.


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