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Vol. 9 (2022)

Study of Composition Variation on Dielectric and Impedance Spectra of Tetragonal-Rhombohedral System in (1-x)BZT-(x)BCT Composites



Abstract: In present work, (1-x)[BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3]-(x)[Ba0.7Ca0.3TiO3] (BZT-BCT) (where x = 0.50, 0.60 and 0.75) were fabricated by solid-state reaction technique. Structural, dielectric and impedance properties of the synthesized composites were investigated and discussed in detail. The X-ray diffraction technique shows that all the samples possessed a double-phase polycrystalline sample with a tetragonal-rhombohedral structure. Dielectric and impedance behavior were investigated in a wide range of temperatures (room temperature (RT) - 500˚C) and frequency (100 Hz ≤f ≤ 1 MHz). A broad dielectric constant peak was observed around the phase transition temperature.


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