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Vol. 9 (2022)

Research on Occupant Safety in Frontal Collision Based on Different Sitting Positions of Intelligent Vehicles



Abstract: To study the safety of drivers with different sitting positions in intelligent vehicle collision, the slide model of SUV was established and the precision of the model was verified by slide test. The simulation model of driver's attitude was established by THUMS. According to the results of post mortem human surrogate (PMHS), the sitting postures of THUMS at different seat backrest angles were adjusted and the drivers’ injuries of three sitting postures in frontal collision were analyzed. Simulation results show that when the driver was in semi-recumbent and reclining posture, the protective effect of the airbag on the head was obviously reduced in collisions, and the head and chest will be seriously damaged due to the large seat backrest angle, resulting in increased distance between the head and the wheel. Besides, the tilting sitting posture leads to the risk of sunken seat in the collision. Therefore, with the development of autonomous driving technology, not only should intelligent vehicles meet occupants’ comfort requirements, but the collision safety caused by the change of sitting postures should be considered.


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