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Vol. 10 (2023)

CAES Compressed Air Energy System: Dynamic Simulation & Optimization



Abstract: A CAES (Compressed Air Energy System) plant can be considered as a storage system. The purpose is to store air under pressure and then use it, when required, to generate energy. The system is composed of a series of compressors and heat exchangers and the architecture of the plant aims to reduce compression work and improve storage efficiency. The storage tank can be different depending on the case and the final use, so a cave, a combustion chamber or an expander. Currently the plants that have been built are in Germany (plant built in 1978 with a rated power of 290 MW) and in the USA (built in 1991 with a rated power of 110 MW). In both configurations, the plants use saline caves as reservoirs. Lately, different types of plant are being studied, but they are still in the design phase.

The objective of the present work is, through a steady-state and then a dynamic simulation, to analyze the positive aspects of this technology and its criticalities, trying to optimize its layout. In addition, through a comparison with the few data available on existing plants, create a database of great interest for researchers and experts in the field. Finally, evaluate, based on the data obtained, the possible developments of technology in the context of the "low carbon transition" through the possible use of renewable sources, such as solar photovoltaic, wind and so on.


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