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Vol. 10 (2023)

Profit-oriented High-speed Railway Network Line Planning with Capacity Limitations



Abstract: Line planning is the transportation service's fundamental, which directly affects the subsequent operation plans. It is better to focus on the operational profit when considering the market competition for transportation operation plans. This paper aims to maximize the operational profit when optimizing the high-speed railway network line plan by constructing a mixed integer nonlinear programming model. The model integrates line planning and passenger route choice behaviors. An adaptive simulated annealing algorithm with neighborhood search is applied based on a given line pool. A heuristic passenger assignment method is developed to ensure a high level of passenger satisfaction. The proposed model and algorithm are experimentally evaluated. The instance results show that the operational profit and capacity utilization can be significantly improved. Compared with the designed greedy heuristic algorithm, the proposed algorithm performs better in operational profit improvement and has high efficiency.


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