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Vol. 11 (2024)

The Correlation Between Wear and Lubricating Film Thickness in the Tribocorrosion of CoCrMo Alloy



Tribocorrosion modelling of passive metals considering the lubrication effect from solution is still not well studied. A lubricated tribocorrosion model for CoCrMo alloy metal-on-metal hip joints has been developed, while the generalization of this model is restricted by Dowson’s empirical correlation. This study explored the correlation between wear of CoCrMo alloy in tribocorrosion and lubricating film thickness. The results showed that the chemical, mechanical and total wear volumes of CoCrMo alloy in tribocorrosion were significantly influenced by the lubrication effect from the solution. Good correlations were obtained between the lubricating film thickness and chemical, mechanical and total wear, respectively. The new chemical and mechanical wear correlations could be used to generalize the current lubricated tribocorrosion model for CoCrMo alloy.


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