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Vol. 4 (2017)

Preparation and Optimization of NbCrN/NbCrON/SiO2 Solar Selective Absorbing Coating



A novel Cu/NbCrN/NbCrON/SiO2 solar selective absorbing coating was successfully prepared by magnetron sputtering. In this coating, Cu, NbCrN, NbCrON and SiO2 act as the infrared reflector metal layer (and as substrate too), high metal volume fraction layer, low metal volume fraction layer and anti-reflection layer, respectively. The effects of the reactive gas flow rates of the absorption layers and the thickness of each layer were investigated and the optimal deposition parameters for the coatings were obtained. Finally the main result is that the best spectral properties with the absorptance of 0.93 and the emittance of 0.07 (25oC) are achieved. The experimental results indicate its potential applications in solar collectors.


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