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Vol. 10 (2023)

Technical and Economic Assessment of the Use of an Autonomous Photoelectric Water Lift Installation in the Karakum Desert



Abstract: One of the urgent problems of Turkmenistan is the development of desert territories, which occupies 80%. The task of scientific research is to analyze the problems of energy supply and water supply for the development of the desert and the desertification of this territory. One of the priority energy supply is the use of renewable energy sources, water supply, the use of groundwater. The article considers the eco-energy resources and potentials of solar energy for lifting water from the depths, using technical and economic methods to evaluate capital investments, investment costs and energy efficiency of solar photovoltaic water lifting stations in the Karakum Desert. The given methodology for technical and economic calculations, capital investments, investment costs and evaluation of the effectiveness of operational parameters for use in transhumance will be useful in the preparation of a feasibility study (feasibility study). On the basis of solar - energy resources, calculate, draw up an energy map of the rise of water from the depth of occurrence and evaluate the technical and economic indicators for the development of the Karakum desert and the development of transhumance.


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